Data & Reports

The Office of Diversity and Outreach advances diversity, equity and inclusion for the entire campus and health system. We monitor diversity and inclusion with regular reports on campus efforts, campus climate, and campus progress.

Find reports and plans, Demographic data by gender, race, and ethnicity. Explore scorecards, Campus climate survey reports

Fall 2023 Demographic Data

Read a descriptive explanation of our demographic data below.





The breakdown of the UCSF Community by Gender includes faculty, staff, postdocs, trainees and students. In total, there are 35,569 people at UCSF – 62.5 percent are female, and 32.6 percent are male.

UCSF Faculty includes 3,808 total people, or 10.8 percent of the total UCSF population. Females make up 50.4 percent of UCSF staff; males make up 43.8 percent. By ethnicity, 56.5 percent identify as white; 28.4 percent identify as Asian; 6.3 percent identify as Hispanic; 3.9 percent identify as African American; 2.2 percent identify as two or more races. Less than 1 percent identify as Native American/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

UCSF Staff includes 25,423 total people, or 71.9 percent of the total UCSF population. Females make up 65.5 percent of UCSF staff, while males make up 29.5 percent. By ethnicity, 39.8 percent identify as Asian; 31.4 percent identify as white; 14.9 percent identify as Hispanic; 7.8 percent identify as African American; and 2.4 percent identify as two or more races. Less than 1 percent identify as Native American/Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

UCSF Postdocs, trainees and students include 6,120 total people, or 17.3 percent of the total UCSF population. Females make up 57.5 percent of UCSF faculty, while males make up 38.9 percent. By ethnicity, 36.5 percent identify as Asian; 29.7 percent identify as White; 14.9 percent identify as Hispanic; 7 percent identify as African American; and 4.7 percent identify as two or more races. Less than 1 percent identify as Native American/Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

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Reports & Plans

We monitor diversity and inclusion with regular reports on campus efforts, campus climate, and campus progress. We also share reports from other UC campuses and educational institutions. 

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