Leadership Equity Advances Diversity (LEAD) Grant:

Resources for Selection of Departmental Leadership Positions

LEAD, supported by the University of California Office of the President, Advancing Faculty Diversity Grant, focuses on increasing the representation of women and underrepresented minority (URM) faculty, as well as Asian faculty in general, in departmental leadership positions.

The aims of the grant are to:

  1. Develop, pilot, and evaluate a leadership toolkit intervention with systematic processes, policies, and procedures for internal departmental leadership selection based on existing protocols for external faculty searches across 28 departments within the UCSF School of Medicine (SOM).
    • Implement procedures that enhance equity, diversity, and transparency in internal leadership searches.
    • Develop toolkit materials and procedures to facilitate equitable and inclusive selection of diverse departmental leaders, and integrate into SOM departments/ORUs.
    • Integrate information and materials on the Office of Diversity and Outreach webpage to facilitate transparency and access.
    • Partner with Department Diversity Leaders (DDLs) to support implementation of processes and procedures.
  2. Develop a novel Data Leadership Tool to facilitate strategic use of data on diversity in leadership for easy aggregation and analysis of annualized data over time.
  3. Partner with UC Health Group to disseminate findings and tools across UC's 18 health professional schools.

Outcomes will include the tracking of implementation of best practices for searches as well as change in representation of women and underrepresented minorities (URM) in leadership.