UCSF Awarded NIH Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Prize

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Excellence in DEIA in Biomedical and Behavioral Research Prize Competition recognized UCSF among only 10 U.S. post-secondary education institutions with a $100,000 prize for "implementing strategies to enhance DEIA in research environments."


UCSF DEIA Key Milestones


UCSF Established the Office of Diversity and Outreach

  • Accountability in advancement: Contributions to Diversity Statement included as faculty promotion requirement.
  • Creating community and building resources: Multicultural Resource Center
A female presenting speaker with shoulder length hair is giving a speech through a microphone on stage at an indoors UCSF event.

Under-represented minority (URM) faculty doubled from 6% to 12.6% since the ODO's formation.


Since 2010, URM student representation across all schools increased from 13.2% to 24.2%


URM medical students also increased from 19.9% to 35.7%

Two UCSF learners wearing their medical practitioner’s white coat at an outdoors public protest event. The person in focus is holding a sign that reads hashtag white coats four Black lives.


Differences Matter

UCSF implemented the School of Medicine Differences Matter Initiative, designed to make UCSF a university that is home to people with diverse identities and backgrounds, all of whom are committed to advancing equity, belonging, and anti-oppression in medicine.


  • 54% of the last entering class of medical students are URM
  • URM residents grew from 14% in 2016 to 36% in 2023
  • Over 4,500 faculty and staff have completed the DEI Champion Training Program


UCSF Created the Anti-Racism Initiative to Address Institutional and Structural Racism

  • Established e UC system's inaugural Chief Accessibility and Inclusion Officer.
  • Initiated the Black Health Initiative (BHI) and Black Women's Health and Livelihood Initiative.
  • Under the Anchor Institution Initiative, created eight pathway programs with 215 current participants.
  • Increased Supplier Diversity program spending from 10% to 16% in two years.
  • Today, 2,794 Bay Area students participate in K-20 academic preparation programs with the UCSF Center for Science Education and Outreach (CSEO).
Four young students participate in an indoor group activity. One student is writing on a large piece of paper with colorful post-its attached to it while the other students are observing.